
Fillets Of Salmon In Papiliotte Recipe

Ingredients: Salmon, oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, nutmeg, herbs.

Cut a piece of salmon into fillets, marinate them in oil, lemon juice,

salt, pepper, nutmeg, and herbs for two hours. Wipe and put them into

paper souffle cases with a little oil, butter, and herbs. Cook them on a

gridiron, and serve with a sauce piquante made in the following manner:

Half a pint of rich Espagnole sauce (No. 1) and a dessert-spoonful of

New Century{*} sauce, warmed up in a bain-marie.

*Can be obtained at Messrs Lazenby's, Wigmoree Street, W.



Viewed 1404 times.

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Ingredients: Same As