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Home Made Cookies - Recipes and Cookbooks

Embark on a culinary adventure like no other as you dive into our treasure trove of homemade recipes. Our culinary haven is a melting pot of flavors, offering you a delightful array of dishes from around the world.

Delve into the aromatic wonders of Oriental cooking, where intricate spices and bold flavors come together to create memorable meals.

Experience the sun-kissed Mediterranean, where fresh ingredients and wholesome cooking traditions yield dishes that are as healthy as they are delicious.

But that's not all. If you're health-conscious and on the lookout for low-fat dessert recipes that satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt, we've got you covered. Our collection of desserts will prove that you can enjoy a delectable treat without compromising on your dietary goals. And for those busy days when you need a quick and easy dinner solution, our quick dinner recipes are here to save the day.

Our recipe section is your compass for navigating this culinary world. It's a place where food enthusiasts and home cooks gather to celebrate the art of homemade goodness. Whether you're a seasoned chef or just starting your culinary journey, our recipes cater to all skill levels. Join us on this delightful voyage of flavors, where you'll discover the joy of creating homemade meals that are not only delicious but also filled with love and creativity. Start exploring, and let your taste buds be your guide.

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Brazil Rissoles

3 ounces Brazil nuts without shells. 3 1/2 tablespoons cream. 1 whole egg. 3 yolks ditto. 1 teaspoon Tarragon vinegar. 1/2 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon white pepper. 1 teaspoon minced parsley. Egg and bread crumbs. After scr...

Preserved Fruit Creams

Put half a pound of the pulp of any preserved fruit in a large pan: add to it the whites of three eggs, well beaten; beat these well together for an hour. Take it off with a spoon, and lay it up high on the dish or glasses. Raspberries will not do t...

Rabbit À La Bordelaise

Chop up some cold chicken into small squares, mix with a thick white sauce, and let it heat. Put it on a hot dish and cover with fried onions. Put chipped potatoes at the ends of the dish and a boiled chicory at either side. This excellent dish has receiv...

Turtle To Dress

After having killed the turtle, divide the back and belly, cleaning it well from the blood in four or five waters, with some salt; take away the fins from the back, and scrape and scald them well from the scales; then put the meat into the saucepan,...

5 Hot Ham Sandwiches

Spread bread cut for sandwiches with chopped ham, season with a little made mustard and press together in pairs. Beat an egg, add 1/2 a cup of rich milk, and in the mixture soak the sandwiches a few moments. Heat a tablespoonful of butter, and in th...

Tomato Bisque

2/3 cup canned tomatoes 1/4 slice onion Bit of bay leaf 2 cloves 1/4 cup boiling water 1/8 teaspoon soda 1/2 tablespoon butter 1/4 teaspoon salt Few grains pepper 2 tablespoons heavy cream Cook first five ingredients for...

Cocoanut Macaroons. Mrs. J. C. Walters.

Cocoanut Macaroons Recipe: History and Fun Facts: Cocoanut macaroons have been enjoyed for many years as a delightful treat. These tempting cookies originated in Italy and gained popularity throughout Europe. They are known for their irresistible combina...

Pigeons To Stew No 3

Cut six pigeons with giblets into quarters, and put them into a stewpan, with two blades of mace, salt, pepper, and just water sufficient to stew them without burning. When tender, thicken the liquor with the yolk of an egg and three spoonfuls of fr...

How To Make The Most Of A Pig After It Is Killed

Cottagers sometimes feed a pig for their own consumption, and, therefore, in the hope that many of you may have it in your power to do so, I will give you proper instructions as to the best way to make the most of it. First, when the pig is killed, ...

Rice Caudle.

Rice Caudle is a traditional British dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is a comforting and nourishing dessert made with simple ingredients like rice, milk, and sugar. The word "caudle" is derived from the Latin word "caldus," which means hot or...


2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1/2 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt few grains cayenne 1 cup grated American cheese yolks of 3 eggs 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder whites of 3 eggs Melt butter; add flour, and when well mixed add milk slowly. Add...

Curried Lentils

1/4 pint soaked lentils. 1 pint water. 1 1/2 ounces butter. 1 small apple. 1 onion. A pinch of powdered mace. 1 teaspoon flour. 1 teaspoon salt. 6 peppercorns. 1/2 teaspoon white sugar. 1 teaspoon curry powder. 2 teas...

Spiced Currants

Take seven pounds of fresh and perfectly ripe currants, pick them over, wash and stem them and put in a granite-ware or porcelain-lined kettle, with five pounds of granulated sugar, one even tablespoonful of cloves, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, on...

French Puffs (windbeutel)

French Puffs, also known as windbeutel, are a classic French pastry that originated in the 16th century. These delightful puffs are made from a choux pastry dough, which results in a light and airy texture. The name "windbeutel" comes from the German lang...

No. 133. Pollo All'oliva (chicken)

Pollo All'oliva, also known as Chicken with Olives, is a traditional Italian dish that originated in the regions of Tuscany and Umbria. This flavorful dish combines tender chicken with the tanginess of olives, creating a perfect balance of flavors. Fun ...


Recipe: Fresh Peaches with Whipped Cream Peaches have been enjoyed for centuries and are known for their juicy, sweet, and fragrant goodness. This delectable fruit is particularly popular during the summer months when they are at their peak ripeness. One...


3/4 cup of rice washed 7 times 1/2 cup currants 1 1/4 cups milk Yolk of 1 egg 2 1/2 tablespoons sugar 1 small piece lemon rind Boil rice in a large quantity of boiling water for 20 min...

Fish Sauce No 8

Take half a pint of cream and half a pint of strong broth; thicken them with flour and butter, and when it boils put in it a little anchovy and lemon-juice, and put it over your fish. ...

Calves' Feet Jelly

Nature hates vacuums, as you know, We, therefore, will descend below, And fill, with dainties nice and light, The vacuum in your appetite. Besides, good wine and dainty fare Are sometimes known to lighten care; Nay, ma...

Home-made Sausage

Introduction: Sausages have a long and rich history spanning thousands of years, and they are enjoyed by people all over the world. The art of making sausages at home has been passed down through generations, with each family adding their own unique touc...

Chicken Pie

Joint the chickens, which should be young and tender--boil them in just sufficient water to cover them. When nearly tender, take them out of the liquor, and lay them in a deep pudding dish, lined with pie crust. To each layer of chicken, put three o...

Shad, April To June.

Shad, also known as the "herring of the East Coast," is a delectable fish that is highly sought after during the spring months from April to June. It is particularly known for its rich, flavorful flesh and its significant historical importance to the East...

Parsnips Fried

History: Fried parsnips have a long history and have been enjoyed as a popular breakfast dish for many years. The recipe has its roots in traditional British cuisine, where parsnips are a staple vegetable. The humble parsnip, a member of the carrot family...

Currants To Ice

Take the largest and finest bunches of currants you can get; beat the white of an egg to a froth; dip them into it; lay them, so as not to touch, upon a sieve: sift double-refined sugar over them very thick, and let them dry in a stove or oven. ...

Polpettine Distese Veal Olives

Ingredients: Veal steak, butter, bread, eggs, pistacchio nuts, spice, parsley. Cut some slices of veal steak very thin as for veal olives, and spread them out in a well-buttered stewpan. On each slice of veal put half a spoonful of the following ...