
No. 140. Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese (roast Turkey) Recipe

History of Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese

Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese, also known as roast turkey Milanese style, is a traditional Italian dish that originates from the city of Milan. Milan, the capital of the Lombardy region in northern Italy, is known for its rich and diverse culinary heritage. This particular recipe has been passed down through generations, showcasing the creativity and ingenuity of Milanese cuisine.

Fun Facts about Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese

1. Milanese cuisine is heavily influenced by the Lombard agricultural tradition, famous for its ingredients and flavors. Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese reflects this rich tradition by incorporating local produce and classic techniques.

2. The Lombardy region is renowned for its rice production, and it was the birthplace of the famous dish Risotto alla Milanese. Although Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese is a roasted turkey recipe, it showcases the use of Marsala wine, which is commonly found in risotto recipes as well.

3. This dish is often prepared during festive occasions in Milan, such as Christmas or Easter. It is a true centerpiece of the table, bringing families and friends together to enjoy a delicious and hearty meal.

Recipe for Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese:

- 1 turkey
- 1/4 pound of sausage meat
- 3 prunes
- 3 tablespoons of chestnut puree
- 2 small slices of bacon
- 1/2 cooked pear
- Butter
- Marsala wine
- Salt
- Rosemary
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 1 turnip
- 3 cloves
- 1 clove of garlic

1. Blanch 3 prunes by placing them in boiling water for 7-8 minutes. Drain and set aside.
2. In a pan, sautee the blanched prunes, 1/4 pound of sausage meat, 3 tablespoons of chestnut puree, 2 small slices of bacon, and 1/2 cooked pear in some butter.
3. Chop up the liver and gizzard of the turkey and mix it with the other sauteed ingredients. Add half a glass of Marsala wine to the stuffing mixture.
4. Stuff the turkey with the prepared mixture, ensuring that it is evenly distributed.
5. In a large roasting pan, add some salt, butter, a blade of rosemary, and a few bits of fat bacon. Place the carrot, onion, turnip, and cloves in the roasting pan as well.
6. Place the stuffed turkey in the roasting pan and add a clove of garlic with a small cut.
7. Braise the turkey for three-quarters of an hour in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C).
8. After braising, remove the turkey from the oven and place it before a clear fire for about 20 minutes to roast it further until golden brown.
9. Return the turkey to the sauce in the roasting pan and let it simmer until fully cooked and ready to serve. Leave the garlic in the sauce for only 10 minutes to avoid overpowering flavors.

Similar Recipe Dishes:

1. Thanksgiving Roast Turkey: A classic American dish prepared with roast turkey, stuffing, and gravy. While the seasonings and techniques may differ, the concept of a roast turkey as the centerpiece remains the same.

2. Italian Roasted Chicken: A simpler version of Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese using chicken instead of turkey. It often combines herbs, garlic, and olive oil to create a flavorful and juicy roasted chicken dish.

3. Roast Duck with Fruit Stuffing: This dish incorporates a similar concept of stuffing the bird with a fruit-based mixture. The sweetness of the fruit complements the savory flavors of the duck, creating a delightful combination.

In conclusion, Dindo Arrosto Alla Milanese is a traditional Italian recipe originating from Milan, showcasing the creativity and flavors of Milanese cuisine. With its diverse ingredients and careful preparations, this roast turkey dish is a true delight for special occasions. So gather your loved ones, embrace the flavors of Italy, and enjoy this culinary masterpiece!



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