
White Bread Balls Recipe

Take four ounces of bread from which the crust has been removed, cut it

into dice. Put half a cup of milk in a saucepan with two ounces of

butter and a teaspoonful of sugar, let it come to a boil, then stir in

the bread and continue stirring until it no longer cleaves to the pan,

remove from the fire. When cool stir into it two eggs, one at a time,

and a little salt. Cook in boiling water, as described for other balls,

and serve in a cream sauce as a vegetable. (See spinach balls, page 74.)



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Other Recipes from Vegetables.

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Potato Croquettes. Mrs. F. W. Thomas.
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Mashed Sweet Potatoes. Mrs. W. H. Eckhart.
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Dried Pumpkin. Mrs. J. Edd Thomas.
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