
Almond Cake Recipe

(Bocca di dama)

Granulated sugar, nine ounces,

Very fine Hungarian flour, five ounces,

Sweet almonds with some bitter ones, two ounces,

Six whole eggs and three egg yolks,

Taste of lemon peel.

After skinning the almonds in warm water and drying them well, grind or

better pound them well together with a tablespoonful of sugar and mix

well with the flour. Put the rest of the sugar in a deep dish with the

egg yolks and the grated lemon peel (just a taste) and stir with a ladle

for a quarter of an hour. In another dish beat the six whites of egg and

when they have become quite thick mix them with other ingredients

stirring slowly everything together.

To bake place the mixture in a baking-tin greased evenly with butter and

sprinkled with powdered sugar and flour.



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