
Trout Alpine Recipe

(Trota all'alpigiana)

These are many ways to prepare this delicious fish, found in abundance

in the many streams of clear water that run from the Alps and the

Apennine mountains. Often the trout is cooked in wine, but, of course,

this part many be changed.

For the trota all'alpigiana, so called because it is the favorite dish

of Piedmont, the trout must be cleaned, scaled, washed, wiped then

salted and left under the action of the salt for about an hour.

Pour in a fish-kettle one quart of white wine to which will be added

three medium sized onions a few cloves, two sections of garlic and a

little bunch made of thyme, bay-leaf, basil or mint; finally a piece of

butter as large as an egg, dipped in flour. Then put the trout in the

fish-kettle and place on a strong fire. When the liquid has boiled the

trout is cooked. Remove the onions and the bunch of greens and serve the

trout with its gravy and some parsley.



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