
Canned Tomatoes--fried Recipe

Fried Tomatoes: A Delicious Substitute for Fresh Tomatoes

Canned tomatoes have been a culinary staple for centuries, offering households the ability to enjoy the vibrant flavor of tomatoes all year round. While fresh tomatoes are undoubtedly a kitchen favorite, there are times when access to them may be limited, especially during the winter months. In such situations, a delightful alternative is to create a dish using canned tomatoes. This recipe for Fried Canned Tomatoes offers a delicious and satisfying solution.

Historical Significance:
The process of canning tomatoes dates back to the late 18th century when Napoleon Bonaparte famously offered a cash prize to anyone who could devise a reliable method to preserve food for the French army. The first successful canning of tomatoes is credited to an Italian chef named Francesco Cirio in the mid-19th century. Since then, canned tomatoes have become a pantry staple in households worldwide.

Fun Facts:
1. Tomatoes were once considered poisonous and were grown solely for decorative purposes until the 18th century.
2. Italians were the first to cultivate tomatoes and incorporate them into their cuisine.
3. Canned tomatoes have a longer shelf life compared to fresh tomatoes, making them an excellent pantry staple.
4. The acidity of tomatoes can help balance flavors and enhance other ingredients in a dish.

Recipe for Fried Canned Tomatoes:

- 1/2 pint of canned tomatoes
- 1/4 teaspoon of sugar
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 4 tablespoons of flour
- 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
- 1 tablespoon of butter
- Hot lard, butter, suet, or drippings for frying


1. In a bowl, combine the canned tomatoes, sugar, salt, and pepper.

2. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour and baking powder.

3. Add the sifted flour and baking powder mixture to the canned tomatoes. Stir well to combine.

4. Add the butter to the mixture and stir until all ingredients are evenly incorporated.

5. Place a fry-pan on medium heat and add the hot lard, butter, suet, or drippings. Allow the fat to melt and heat.

6. Take spoonfuls of the tomato mixture and drop them into the hot fat, ensuring they are spaced apart to ensure even cooking.

7. Fry the tomatoes on both sides until they turn golden brown and become crispy.

8. Once fried, remove the tomatoes from the pan and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.

9. Serve the Fried Canned Tomatoes hot.

Why Fried Canned Tomatoes?
Fried Canned Tomatoes offer a unique twist on traditional canned tomato recipes. The combination of the crispy outer texture and the tender, flavorful center creates a satisfying and delightful dish. The addition of flour and baking powder ensures a perfect consistency, allowing the mixture to hold together during frying.

Variations and Serving Suggestions:
To spice up your Fried Canned Tomatoes, consider adding additional herbs and spices such as basil, garlic powder, or onion powder to the mixture. Additionally, topping the fried tomatoes with grated Parmesan or a sprinkle of fresh herbs can add an extra layer of flavor.

Fried Canned Tomatoes can be a versatile addition to a variety of meals. They can be enjoyed as a side dish alongside grilled chicken or fish, added as a topping to burgers or sandwiches, or even used as a base for a flavorful tomato sauce.

Similar Recipe Dishes:
1. Fried Green Tomatoes: Similar to Fried Canned Tomatoes, Fried Green Tomatoes use unripe green tomatoes instead. This Southern delicacy offers a tangy and crispy experience.
2. Roasted Tomato Salsa: While not fried, this recipe uses roasted tomatoes to create a delicious salsa. Roasting intensifies the flavors of the tomatoes and adds a smoky touch.
3. Tomato Sauce with Canned Tomatoes: Canned tomatoes are often used as the base for various tomato sauces. Whether a marinara or a Bolognese, using canned tomatoes ensures a consistent and flavorful sauce throughout the year.

In conclusion, Fried Canned Tomatoes offer a convenient and tasty substitute for fresh tomatoes when they are out of season. This recipe allows households to enjoy the flavors of tomatoes regardless of the time of year. So, the next time you find yourself craving the taste of summer, reach for that can of tomatoes and whip up a batch of Fried Canned Tomatoes – a delightful and satisfying dish that is sure to please your taste buds.



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