
Raisin Sauce Recipe

Raisin Sauce Recipe:

Raisin sauce is a delicious and versatile accompaniment that has been enjoyed for many years. It has its roots in traditional cooking, where it was commonly used to enhance the flavors of savory meats, particularly fat beef. Today, this sauce continues to be a favorite among food enthusiasts for its unique combination of sweet and savory flavors.

Fun Fact: Raisin sauce can be traced back to the early 19th century, where it was a popular addition to roast beef dishes. Its rich flavors and ability to complement a variety of meats made it a staple in many households. It was especially loved for its ability to add depth of flavor to lean cuts of meat, making them more tender and juicy.

Now let's dive into the recipe itself:

- 2 tablespoons of fat (such as butter or olive oil)
- 1 tablespoon of flour
- 1 cup of hot soup (such as beef or vegetable broth)
- 1 handful of raisins
- 1/4 cup of pounded almonds
- Few slices of lemon
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar
- Brown sugar to taste
- A few cloves and cinnamon
- Optional: grated horseradish and rye loaf crust


1. In a spider or a deep skillet, heat the fat over medium heat until it melts and starts to brown slightly. This will add a depth of flavor to the sauce.

2. Stir in the flour, and continue stirring until it forms a smooth paste. This will be the base of your sauce.

3. Slowly pour in the hot soup, stirring constantly to prevent any lumps from forming. This will help thicken the sauce and create a smooth texture.

4. Add the raisins and pounded almonds to the sauce, and stir well to combine. These ingredients will add sweetness and a bit of nuttiness to the sauce.

5. Place the slices of lemon into the sauce, allowing their citrusy notes to infuse into the mixture.

6. Pour in the vinegar, which will add a tangy element to balance the sweetness.

7. Add brown sugar to taste, adjusting the sweetness according to your preference. Remember that the raisins will also contribute natural sweetness to the sauce.

8. For additional flavor, include a few cloves and a sprinkle of cinnamon. These warm spices will elevate the overall taste of the sauce.

9. If you enjoy a bit of heat, grate in part of a stick of horseradish. This will add a subtle kick to the sauce.

10. Lastly, crumble in the crust of a rye loaf. This will help thicken the sauce further while adding a rustic element.

11. Allow the sauce to simmer gently for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it thickens to your desired consistency.

Your homemade raisin sauce is now ready to be served!

Serving Suggestions:

1. Traditional Pairing: Raisin sauce pairs exceptionally well with fat beef dishes. Serve it alongside a perfectly cooked roast beef, and drizzle it over the slices for an extra burst of flavor.

2. Chicken and Pork: Don't limit yourself to beef! Raisin sauce also complements chicken and pork beautifully. Try it as a glaze for roasted chicken or as a condiment for grilled pork chops.

3. Cheese Board Addition: Raisin sauce can also be incorporated into your cheese board spread. Its sweet and savory taste makes it an excellent choice to accompany aged cheeses like cheddar or gouda.

4. Dipping Sauce: For a unique twist, use the raisin sauce as a dip for breaded and fried appetizers like chicken tenders or vegetable fritters.

With its rich history and irresistible flavor, raisin sauce offers a delightful addition to various dishes. Whether you choose to enjoy it with beef, chicken, or even cheese, this versatile sauce is sure to impress your family and guests alike. Give this recipe a try and discover the wonders of raisin sauce!

Similar Recipe Dishes:

If you enjoyed the flavors of raisin sauce, you might want to try these similar dishes:

1. Cumberland Sauce: A traditional British condiment made with red currant jelly, orange juice, lemon zest, port wine, and mustard. It pairs perfectly with cold meats, particularly game meats.

2. Apricot Glaze: Similar to raisin sauce, apricot glaze is a sweet and tangy sauce made from apricot preserves, vinegar, and spices. It is often used to glaze roasted meats or brushed onto grilled vegetables for a burst of flavor.

3. Fig Chutney: This fruity and spiced chutney is made with fresh figs, onions, ginger, vinegar, and various spices. It can be served alongside savory dishes as a condiment or used as a topping for cheese platters.

Remember, be creative and don't be afraid to experiment with your own variations and combinations to suit your personal taste preferences. Enjoy!



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