
To Keep Egg Yolks Recipe

History of Keeping Egg Yolks:

The practice of keeping egg yolks dates back centuries and has been used as a way to preserve and utilize leftover egg yolks. It was a common practice in households where eggs were a valuable commodity and wasting any part of the egg was not an option.

In the past, before refrigeration became widely available, people had to come up with creative methods to keep their food fresh for longer periods. One of these methods was keeping egg yolks in a way that maintained their quality and prevented them from spoiling. The technique of rinsing the cup with cold water and adding a pinch of salt helped to preserve the yolks and keep them from drying out.

The technique mentioned involves storing the separated yolks in a cup that is covered with a damp cloth. By changing and rinsing the cloth in cold water daily, the yolks remain moist and fresh for several days. This method ensures that when you use the yolks, they are just as if they were freshly separated from the whites.

Fun Facts:

1. Egg yolks are highly nutritious and contain essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and B vitamins. They are also a good source of healthy fats and protein.

2. Egg yolks are the part of the egg that contains most of the egg's fat and cholesterol. While it's important to consume them in moderation, they can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet.

3. Mayonnaise, which is mentioned as a use for leftover yolks, is a popular condiment made primarily from egg yolks, oil, and vinegar or lemon juice. It is commonly used as a sandwich spread or a base for other sauces and dressings.

4. Angel cake and various cookies that use only egg whites are perfect ways to utilize leftover whites, ensuring that no part of the egg goes to waste.

Recipe: Keeping Egg Yolks

- Egg yolks (preferably fresh)
- Cold water
- Pinch of salt


1. Begin by separating the egg yolks from the whites. Carefully crack each egg, ensuring that no yolk mixes with the whites. Transfer the yolks to a clean cup.

2. Rinse the cup with cold water and add a pinch of salt. Swirl it around to dissolve the salt and ensure an even coating on the cup's surface.

3. Gently place the separated egg yolks into the cup, ensuring they are all submerged in the saltwater mixture.

4. Cover the cup tightly with a damp cloth. This will help maintain the moisture around the yolks and prevent them from drying out.

5. Place the cup in the refrigerator and store for several days. Remember to change the damp cloth daily, ensuring it is rinsed with cold water each time.

6. When you are ready to use the egg yolks, remove them from the cup and discard any yolks that may have spoiled or developed an off smell.

7. Use the preserved egg yolks in your desired recipes, such as making mayonnaise or adding richness to baked goods.

Similar Recipe Dishes:

1. Homemade Mayonnaise: Utilize the leftover yolks to make a creamy and delicious mayonnaise. Blend the yolks with dijon mustard, lemon juice, salt, and slowly drizzle in some oil, whisking constantly until the mixture emulsifies.

2. Custards and Puddings: Egg yolks are the star ingredient in custards and puddings, providing richness and a smooth texture. Try making a classic crème brûlée or a silky chocolate pudding using the preserved egg yolks.

3. Pasta Carbonara: Traditional carbonara sauce is made with egg yolks, cheese, and bacon. Incorporate the preserved yolks into this indulgent pasta dish for a burst of flavor and creaminess.

4. Ice Cream: Homemade ice cream relies on egg yolks for its luscious texture. Experiment with different flavors and create your own unique ice cream utilizing the preserved yolks.

Remember, while the practice of keeping egg yolks can be a useful way to avoid waste, always ensure that the yolks are fresh and of good quality before using them in any recipe. Enjoy creating delicious dishes while making the most of your leftover egg yolks!



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