
"kartoffle Klose" Recipe

"Kartoffel Klose," also known as potato dumplings, is a traditional German dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It originated in the kitchens of Eastern European countries and made its way into German cuisine.

Potatoes, being a staple ingredient in Germany, were commonly used to create hearty and comforting dishes. The potato dumplings, or "Kartoffel Klose," were created as a way to make use of leftover boiled potatoes. These dumplings have become a beloved part of German cuisine, often enjoyed as a side dish or a main course.

Fun fact: The name "Kartoffel Klose" is a combination of two words - "Kartoffel," meaning potato in German, and the last name "Klose," which is a common German surname. The origin of the name "Klose" in relation to the dish is unclear, but it adds a personal touch to this traditional recipe.

To make "Kartoffel Klose," start with one quart of cold, boiled, skinned potatoes. It is best to boil the potatoes without peeling them the day before you plan to use them. This allows the potatoes to cool completely and makes it easier to grate them.

In a frying pan, melt 1 tablespoon of butter and add 1 finely-minced small onion. Fry the onion until it turns a light brown color. This step adds another layer of flavor to the dish. If you prefer a milder taste, you can omit the onion or replace it with finely-chopped parsley.

Next, remove the frying pan from the heat and mix in 2 heaped tablespoonfuls of flour, 1 tablespoonful of finely-cut parsley, 2 beaten egg whites, and 2 slices of bread cut into small pieces. These ingredients will help bind the grated potatoes together and give the dumplings a light and fluffy texture.

To the mixture, add the grated potatoes and bread crumbs alternately. Gently mix all the ingredients together with a fork, ensuring they are evenly combined. Season the mixture well with salt and pepper to enhance the flavors.

Form the mixture into round balls, approximately the size of a walnut. You can use your hands to shape the dumplings, but be careful not to overwork the mixture, as this can result in dense dumplings. It is best to handle the mixture lightly to keep the dumplings light and tender.

In a large stew-pan, bring salted water to a boil and add a teaspoon of butter. Carefully drop the formed dumplings into the boiling water. It is important not to overcrowd the stew-pan, as this can cause the dumplings to stick together. Cook the dumplings uncovered for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, or until they rise to the top and are cooked through.

To check if the dumplings are cooked, skim one out of the water and cut it in half. The inside should be soft and cooked without any raw potato. Once cooked, use a slotted spoon to carefully transfer the dumplings to a platter.

For added flavor and texture, sprinkle bread crumbs browned in a pan with a little lard and butter over the halved dumplings. The bread crumbs will add a delicious crunch and a nutty aroma to the dish. Alternatively, you can place the halved dumplings in a pan with a little lard, butter, and chopped onion (if desired) and brown them on each side before serving.

"Kartoffel Klose" is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed on its own as a vegetarian main course or as a side dish to complement meat or stew. The combination of grated potatoes, bread crumbs, and delicate seasonings creates a comforting and satisfying dish that is loved by many.

Similar to "Kartoffel Klose," there are other variations of potato dumplings found in different cuisines around the world. For example, the Italian gnocchi and the Hungarian nokedli are both made with potatoes and have their unique flavor profiles and textures. If you enjoy "Kartoffel Klose," you might be interested in exploring these potato dumpling dishes and experiencing the diverse flavors they offer.

So, gather your ingredients and get ready to enjoy a taste of German tradition with "Kartoffel Klose" - a dish that brings together the simplicity of potatoes with the richness of flavors to create a truly delightful culinary experience.



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