
Lobster À La Newburg Recipe

From MRS. IDA M. BALL, of Delaware, Lady Manager.
Use soup meat without bone cut into dice, and to every pound of meat
use one pint of cold water. Cut up the meat on a dish, not on a board,
as the latter absorbs the juices. Have the proper measure of water
beside you in a soup basin or bowl, and as you cut up the meat
sprinkle it moderately with salt and throw it into the cold water;
there let it remain for two hours, then put it all into a sauce pan
and set it on the fire. Watch carefully the first rising and skim and
secure this as it is the very essence of the beef; put it into a clean
bowl and let the beef go on boiling ten minutes, no longer; then pour
the extract through a sieve to the first skimmings; stir before using.
For older children than infants you may flavor with onion and a few



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