
VeloutÉ, Bechamel. Recipe

These preparations are so frequently mentioned in modern cookery, that
we shall give the receipts for them, although they are not appropriate
for the Jewish kitchen. Velouté is a fine white sauce, made by
reducing a certain quantity of well-flavoured consommé or stock,
over a charcoal fire, and mixing it with boiling cream, stirring it
carefully till it thickens.
Béchamel is another sort of fine white stock, thickened with cream,
there is more flavouring in this than the former, the stock is made of
veal, with some of the smoked meats used in English kitchens, butter,
mace, onion, mushrooms, bay leaf, nutmeg, and a little salt. An
excellent substitute for these sauces can in Jewish kitchens be made
in the following way:
Take some veal broth flavored with smoked beef, and the above named
seasonings, then beat up two or three yolks of eggs, with a little of
the stock and a spoonful of potatoe flour, stir this into the
broth, until it thickens, it will not be quite as white, but will be



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